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SIGS holds opening convocation to welcome new students

The Tsinghua SIGS Opening Convocation 2023 took place on the morning of September 5 at the University Town Sports Center. This year, over 1800 new graduate students have enrolled at SIGS.

School leaders, heads of academic institutes/divisions and administrative offices, representatives of faculty, students, staff, and alumni, and the 2023 incoming cohort attended the ceremony.

School leaders put Tsinghua badges on new students

Tsinghua University badge

During the ceremony, new students put on their Tsinghua badges, marking the beginning of their journey as “TsinghuaRen.”

Dean Ouyang Zheng

In his speech at the ceremony, Dean Ouyang Zheng extended a warm welcome to this year’s incoming cohort of graduate students. He then reminded them about the Tsinghua motto “Self-discipline and social commitment” and referred to the history of Tsinghua SIGS as well as its mission of training high-level talents for Shenzhen and China. Ouyang further explained the meaning behind the Tsinghua motto. “Self-discipline means constant self-improvement. Firstly, this requires introspection and critical thinking. Social commitment means caring for others, cherishing your country, and serving the world.” He hopes that the incoming students will aim high, believe in themselves, and keep self-improving.

I hope we will work hard side-by-side in the next few years. Together we will explore and establish a Chinese paradigm for educating high-end talents in world-class universities,” said Ouyang. He expressed his wishes for the students to become the best of themselves and to make great contributions to their country and the world.

Assistant Professor Zheng Bo

Assistant Professor Zheng Bo from the Institute of Environment and Ecology spoke on behalf of the SIGS faculty to the incoming class. In his remarks, he reflected on his journey from a Tsinghua student to a faculty member and the lessons he learned in the process. He hopes that the incoming class will strive and be inspired as well as create a wonderful life for themselves.

Liu Renchen, alumni speaker

Dr. Liu Renchen, an alumnus of the Chemical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University and vice dean of the Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, spoke as the alumni representative. He offered advice to the incoming students. Liu also wished that the new students would put knowledge into practice to make contributions to their country.

Zhang Boya, doctoral student speaker

Zhang Boya, a third-year Ph.D. student in biology, welcomed the new students on behalf of her classmates. “Entering Tsinghua means that we should have confidence and strength, persistence and perseverance in the pursuit of truth, and the responsibility and mission to care for our country. It also means that SIGS will forever be a warm home for us.”  

Liu Xiaoyu, incoming doctoral student speaker

Liu Xiaoyu, an incoming doctoral student in Chemical Engineering and Technology, delivered a speech on the theme of "Embracing Our Time.”

Chen Siyu, incoming master’s student speaker

Chen Siyu, an incoming master’s student in Data Science and Information Technology, also spoke at the ceremony. She shared her experiences studying both arts and sciences at Tsinghua during her undergraduate time and how her goals are well aligned with the interdisciplinary education offered at SIGS.

Tommaso Brandiali, incoming international master’s student speaker

Tommaso Brandiali, an incoming master’s student in Data Science and Information Technology from Italy, shared his motivations for coming to Tsinghua, Shenzhen, and China. He also expressed his excitement for the future: “In this room, we all have the potential to create the solutions the world needs. I think we can make this school, this country, and the whole global community proud of our achievements, and I cannot wait to see that happen.”

Attendees sing school song

After the convocation, CPC Committee Secretary Wu Xiaofeng delivered a special lecture to the incoming class.


Written by Alena Shish

Edited by Yuan Yang

Photos by Dai Yujing