The Tsinghua-CRI Joint Master’s program in BIO³ (Biology-Nanobiology-Bioinformatics) targets interdisciplinary life science research covering the life sciences, nanoscience, technology, and information technology. The program is engaged in the study and research in the fields of cross life science, artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis and treatment, health big data and medical surgical robots.
Students in the Joint Master's program will study at Tsinghua University for the first academic year, then at the Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity (CRI, Paris) for the second year, and return to Tsinghua for the last year. Those who complete the required credits and meet the requirements for master's degrees both at Tsinghua University and Paris Descartes University (Paris V) will receive a double master's degree from the two universities. Students who only meet the Tsinghua University Master's degree requirements, will only be awarded a master's degree from Tsinghua University.
For more information about the program, visit