


Future Urban Science and Supporting Technology System consists of two major directions: future urban science and planning, and future city supporting technology.


Future urban science and planning is based on urban planning and design. This direction explores the combination of new technologies such as AI, big data, GIS, and 5G with other disciplines, and will dive into topics including smart city, CIM and intelligent traffic to build new future urban theories and technologies.


Future city supporting technology includes city low-carbon energy system, urban intelligent management, and healthy city. City low-carbon energy system focuses on realizing a gradual shift from a fossil energy-dominated energy structure to renewable and sustainable energy utilization. Urban intelligent management aims to improve city functions, ensure city safety, and improve the efficiency of urban systems. Healthy city explores the theories and technologies to achieve a  healthy environment for human habitats, focusing on key factors that affect urban health, and providing technical and policy interventions to support the “Healthy China” strategy.


Topics of research: city low-carbon energy system, smart city system, urban information model CIM system, urban intelligent management system, urban big data 5G sensing and acquisition simulation environment, healthy urban human habitat environment system and others.