IEEE Senior Member、中国光学工程学会高级会员、ACM会员、OPTICA会员,《Photonics》期刊主题编委(MDPI主办),受邀担任ACM SenSys 2018博士生论坛主席,IEEE ICC 2018~2022、VTC 2018和2021等会议程序委员会委员,深圳市医院管理者协会政策研究与规划专委会委员,深圳市教育学会高等教育学专业委员会委员,民盟深圳市生态文明建设委员会委员。
[1]Zhaoming Wang, Li Zhang, Jingzhou Li, Guodan Wei, Yuhan Dong, and H.Y. Fu. Fluorescent concentrator based MISO-NOMA for visible light communications. Optics Letters, 2022, 47(4): 902-905.
[2]Fan Yang and Yuhan Dong. Joint probabilistic shaping and beamforming scheme for MISO VLC systems. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022, 11(3): 508-512.
[3]Yang Ming, Jiaxuan Chen, Yuhan Dong, and Zhaocheng Wang. Evolutionary game based strategy selection for hybrid V2V communications. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(2): 2128-2133.
[4]Li Zhang, Zhaoming Wang, Yuting Cai, Rongjun Xie, Jianshe Ma, H.Y. Fu, and Yuhan Dong. Large coverage white-light controller combining adaptive QoS-enhanced mQAM-NOMA for high-speed visible light communication. IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2022, 40(2): 415-422.
[5]Fan Yang, Kai Zhang, Yongzhi Zhai, Jinguo Quan, and Yuhan Dong. Artificial noise design in time domain for indoor SISO DCO-OFDM VLC wiretap systems. IEEE/OPTICA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2021, 39(20): 6450-6458.
[6]Shi Zhang, Zixian Wei, Zhiyuan Cao, Keming Ma, Chien-Ju Chen, Meng-Chyi Wu, Yuhan Dong, and H. Y. Fu. A high-speed visible light communication system using pairs of micro-size LEDs, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 2021, 33(18): 1026-1029.
[7]Zhiyuan Cao, Zixian Wei, Shi Zhang, Keming Ma, H.Y. Fu, and Yuhan Dong. Misalignment analysis of a high-speed uplink OWC system based on a 940-nm VCSEL,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 33, no. 18, pp. 1022-1025, Sept. 2021.
[8]Li Zhang, Zixian Wei, Zhaoming Wang, Zuhang Geng, Guodan Wei, Julian Cheng, H.Y. Fu, and Yuhan Dong. High-speed multi-user optical wireless communication between VCSEL-integrated electronic devices. Optics Communications, 2021, 486: 126774.
[9]Dong Zhou, Hongyi Liu, Huimin Ma, Xiang Wang, Xiaoqin Zhang, and Yuhan Dong. Driving behavior prediction considering cognitive prior and driving context. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2021, 22(5): 2669-2678.
[10]Lei Wang, Zixian Wei, Chien-Ju Chen, Lai Wang, H.Y. Fu, Li Zhang, Kai-Chia Chen, Meng-Chyi Wu, Yuhan Dong, Zhibiao Hao, and Yi Luo. 1.3 GHz E-O bandwidth GaN-based micro-LED for multi-gigabit visible light communication. Photonics Research. 2021, 9(5): 792-802.
[11]Zixian Wei, Shi Zhang, Simei Mao, Lei Wang, Li Zhang, Chien-Ju Chen, Meng-Chyi Wu, Yuhan Dong, Lai Wang, Yi Luo, and H.Y. Fu. Full-duplex high-speed indoor optical wireless communication network based on micro-LED and VCSEL array. Optics Express. 2021, 29(3): 3891-3902.
[12]Li Zhang, Zhaoming Wang, Zixian Wei, Chen Chen, Guodan Wei, H. Y. Fu, and Yuhan Dong. Towards 20 Gbps multi-user bubble turbulent NOMA UOWC system with green and blue polarization multiplexing. Optics Express. 2020, 28(21): 31796-31807.
[13]Ping Liu, Yuan Liu, Siwei Zhang, Jingzhou Li, Chunyun Wang, Cong Zhao, Pengbo Nie, Yuhan Dong, Xuan Zhang, Shixi Zhao, and Guodan Wei. Lead‐free Cs3Sb2Br9 single crystals for high performance narrowband photodetector.Advanced Optical Materials. 2020.
[14]Zixian Wei, Li Zhang, Lei Wang, Chien-Ju Chen, Zhaoming Wang, Kai-Chia Chen, Meng-Chyi Wu, Yuhan Dong, Lai Wang, Yi Luo, and H. Y. Fu. Multi-user high-speed QAM-OFDMA visible light communication system using a 75-μm single layer quantum dot micro-LED. Optics Express. 2020, 28(12): 18332-18342.
[15]Zixian Wei, Li Zhang, Lei Wang, Chien-Ju Chen, Alberto Pepe, Xin Liu, Kai-Chia Chen, Meng-Chyi Wu, Yuhan Dong, Lai Wang, Yi Luo, and H.Y. Fu. 2 Gbps/3 m air-underwater optical wireless communication based on a single layer quantum dot blue micro-LED. Optics Letters. 2020, 45(9): 2616-2619.
[16]Renzhi Yuan, Jianshe Ma, Ping Su, Yuhan Dong, and Julian Cheng, Monte-Carlo integration model for multiple scattering based optical wireless communication. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 2020, 68(1): 334-348.
[17]Zhengping Li, Kai Zhang, Bokui Chen, Yuhan Dong, and Lin Zhang. Driver identification in intelligent vehicle-systems using machine learning algorithms. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 2019, 13(1): 40-47.
[18]Zhaoquan Zeng, Shu Fu, Huihui Zhang, Yuhan Dong, and Julian Cheng. A survey of underwater optical wireless communication. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. 2017, 19(1): 204-238.
1. 董宇涵, 耿祖航,李志德,阳帆,权进国,金爽,一种基于ABO-OFDM 的低PAPR 通信方法,专利号:ZL202110400836.0,2022-3-1授权。
2. 董宇涵,阳帆,李志德,耿祖航,权进国,金爽,一种基于时域人工噪声的通信方法,专利号:ZL202110030405.X,2022-2-15授权。
3. 董宇涵,阳帆,耿祖航,李志德,权进国,金爽,一种基于概率整形的通信方法”,专利号:ZL202110055098.0,2022-2-11授权。
4. 董宇涵,张莉,张凯,一种非正交多址接入解码方法,专利号:ZL201910934411.0,2021-10-29授权。
5. 董宇涵,任文婷,张凯,眼底图像血管分割方法,专利号:ZL201910440134.8,2021-4-23授权。
6. 董宇涵,康晋博,喻越,张凯,李志德,一种无袖套连续血压监测方法和装置,申请号ZL201711330577.9,2021-2-2授权。
7 董宇涵,陈英杰,张凯,权进国,李志德,一种偏振复调制方法及水下无线光通信的通信方法,专利号ZL201911012889.4,2020-10-20授权。