期刊审稿人:Environmental Science & Technology; Environmental Science & Technology Letter; Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics; Environmental Pollution; Atmospheric Environment; Aerosol and Air Quality Research; Journal of Environmental Sciences等
客座编辑:Atmosphere; Sustainability
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持
[2] 国家重点研发项目,子课题负责人
[3] 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,主持
[4] 深圳市基础研究面上项目,主持
[5] 清华大学深圳国际研究生院交叉科研创新基金,主持
[1] Fu, X.# *; Sun, X. #; Travnikov, O. #; Li, Q. #; Qin, C.; Cuevas, C. A.; Fernandez, R. P.; Mahajan, A. S.; Wang, S.; Wang, T.; Saiz-Lopez, A. *, Anthropogenic short-lived halogens increase human exposure to mercury contamination due to enhanced mercury oxidation over continents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2024, 121, (12), e2315058121.
[2] Chen, J.; Fu, X.*; Wang, X. *; Dong, S.; Chen, T.; Xue, L.; Zhou, Y.; Sheng, L.; Wang, W., Unveiling the overlooked direct emissions of particulate organic nitrates from ship. Environment International 2024, 185.
[3] Qin, C.; Sun, X.; Yin, Z.; Yang, Z.; Fu, X.*, Fast nitrate formation aloft supported by typical synoptic weather patterns and complex terrain in the North China Plain. Atmospheric Environment 2024, 316.
[4] Qin, C.; Fu, X.*; Wang, T.; Gao, J.; Wang, J., Control of fine particulate nitrate during severe winter haze in “2+26” cities. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2024, 136, 261-269.
[5] Saiz-Lopez, A. # *; Fernandez, R. P. #; Li, Q.; Cuevas, C. A.; Fu, X.; Kinnison, D. E.; Tilmes, S.; Mahajan, A. S.; Gómez Martín, J. C.; Iglesias-Suarez, F.; Hossaini, R.; Plane, J. M. C.; Myhre, G.; Lamarque, J.-F., Natural short-lived halogens exert an indirect cooling effect on climate. Nature 2023, 618, (7967), 967-973.
[6] Wang, Y. #; Fu, X.#; Wang, T.*; Ma, J.; Gao, H.; Wang, X.; Pu, W., Large Contribution of Nitrous Acid to Soil-Emitted Reactive Oxidized Nitrogen and Its Effect on Air Quality. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57, (9), 3516-3526.
[7] Wang, Y. #; Fu, X.#; Wu, D.; Wang, M.; Lu, K.; Mu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, T.*, Agricultural Fertilization Aggravates Air Pollution by Stimulating Soil Nitrous Acid Emissions at High Soil Moisture. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, (21), 14556-14566.
[8] Li, Q.#; Fu, X.#; Peng, X.; Wang, W.; Badia, A.; Fernandez, R. P.; Cuevas, C. A.; Mu, Y.; Chen, J.; Jimenez, J. L.; Wang, T.*; Saiz-Lopez, A.*, Halogens Enhance Haze Pollution in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, (20), 13625-13637.
[9] Fu, X.; Wang, T.*; Gao, J.; Wang, P.; Liu, Y.; Wang, S.; Zhao, B.; Xue, L., Persistent Heavy Winter Nitrate Pollution Driven by Increased Photochemical Oxidants in Northern China. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, (7), 3881-3889.
[10] Fu, X.; Wang, T.*; Zhang, L.; Li, Q. Y.; Wang, Z.; Xia, M.; Yun, H.; Wang, W. H.; Yu, C.; Yue, D. L.; Zhou, Y.; Zheng, J. Y.; Han, R., The significant contribution of HONO to secondary pollutants during a severe winter pollution event in southern China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2019, 19, (1), 1-14.
[11] Fu, X.*; Wang, T.*; Wang, S.; Zhang, L.; Cai, S.; Xing, J.; Hao, J., Anthropogenic Emissions of Hydrogen Chloride and Fine Particulate Chloride in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, (3), 1644-1654.
[12] Fu, X.; Wang, S.*; Xing, J.*; Zhang, X.; Wang, T.; Hao, J., Increasing Ammonia Concentrations Reduce the Effectiveness of Particle Pollution Control Achieved via SO2 and NOX Emissions Reduction in East China. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2017, 4, (6), 221-227.
[13] Fu, X.; Wang, S.*; Chang, X.; Cai, S.; Xing, J.; Hao, J., Modeling analysis of secondary inorganic aerosols over China: pollution characteristics, and meteorological and dust impacts. Scientific Reports 2016, 6.
[14] Fu, X.; Cheng, Z.; Wang, S.*; Hua, Y.; Xing, J.; Hao, J., Local and Regional Contributions to Fine Particle Pollution in Winter of the Yangtze River Delta, China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2016, 16, (4), 1067-1080.
[15] Fu, X.; Wang, S.*; Ran, L. M.; Pleim, J. E.; Cooter, E.; Bash, J. O.; Benson, V.; Hao, J. M., Estimating NH3 emissions from agricultural fertilizer application in China using the bi-directional CMAQ model coupled to an agro-ecosystem model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2015, 15, (12), 6637-6649.
[16] Fu, X.#; Wang, S.# *; Cheng, Z.; Xing, J.; Zhao, B.; Wang, J. D.; Hao, J. M., Source, transport and impacts of a heavy dust event in the Yangtze River Delta, China, in 2011. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014, 14, (3), 1239-1254.
[17] Fu, X.; Wang, S.*; Zhao, B.; Xing, J.; Cheng, Z.; Liu, H.; Hao, J., Emission inventory of primary pollutants and chemical speciation in 2010 for the Yangtze River Delta region, China. Atmospheric Environment 2013, 70, 39-50.
王书肖,程真,赵斌,付晓,蒋靖坤等,长三角城市群霾污染特征、来源及控制对策. 科学出版社. 2016.