Contact information



Address: Room 903, Information Building, University Town, Shenzhen, China

Office Hours: Full time

  • 个人简历
  • 教学
  • 研究领域
  • 研究成果
  • 奖励荣誉
  • Biography

    I am looking for Ph.D. and master students as well as postdoctoral associates who (i) with strong background in power and energy systems or (ii) with background in optimization/economics/information theory/game theory and feel interested in their applications in power and energy systems.

    Personal website:


    ·2008-2013: Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University

    ·2004-2008: B.S., Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University

    Professional Experience

    June 2021 - present, Associate Professor, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China

    July 2018 - June 2021, Assistant Professor, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, China

    Feb. 2014 - June 2018, Postdoctoral Associate, Cornell University, USA

    Additional Positions

    1. IEEE Power and Energy Society, Task force on state estimation for integrated energy systems, co-chair

    2. IEEE Senior Member

    3. CSEE JPES editor

    4. IET Generation, Transmission, & Distribution editor

    5. IEEE OAJPE editor

    6. Chinese society of automation, Energy Internet Committee, member


    Personal Webpage

    Download CV

  • Current Courses

    Power Systems and Market Operations: 48 hours, Spring semester, 2018-now

    Large Network Steady-State Analysis: 48 hours, Fall semester, 2018-now

    Master’s & Ph.D. Advising

    I am currently leading a research group with fifteen master and Ph.D. students. I am looking for new candidates for master/Ph.D. degrees or Postdoc/Research Scientist positions. Applicants should have solid foundations in Electrical Engineering, or in optimization, game theory, machine learning, or economics and are interested in their applications to power and energy systems.

  • Research Interests

    1. Optimal operation of power and energy systems

    2. Electricity markets

    3. Machine learning

    4. Transitions to Carbon-neutrality


    1. National Natural Science Foundation of China;

    2. National Key Research and Development Project;

    3. Multiple projects and China Southern Grid

    Research Output

  • Selected Publications

    [1]Ye Guo, Cong Chen, Lang Tong*, Pricing Multi-Interval Dispatch under Uncertainty Part I: Dispatch-Following Incentives, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 3865-3877, Sep. 2021

    [2]Cong Chen, Ye Guo*, Lang Tong, Pricing Multi-Interval Dispatch under Uncertainty Part II: Generalization and Performance, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 3878-3886, Sep. 2021

    [3]Ye Guo, Lang Tong, Wenchuan Wu, Boming Zhang, Hongbin Sun, Coordinated multi-area economic dispatch via critical region projection, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 32, Issue 5, Page 3736-3746, Jan. 2017

    [4]Ye Guo, Subhonmesh Bose, Lang Tong, On robust tie-line scheduling in multi-area power systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 33, Issue 4, Page 4144-4154, Oct. 2017

    [5]Ye Guo, Yuting Ji, Lang Tong, Generalized coordinated transaction scheduling: A market approach to seamless interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 33, Issue 8, Page 4683-4693, Feb. 2018

    [6]Ye Guo, Lang Tong, Wenchuan Wu, Hongbin Sun, Boming Zhang, Hierarchical multi-area state estimation via sensitivity function exchanges, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 32, Issue 1, Page 442-453, March 2016

    [7]J. Shi, Y. Guo, L. Tong, W. Wu and H. Sun, A Scenario-oriented Approach to Energy-Reserve Joint Procurement and Pricing, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Accepted, 2022

    [8]Tianshu Yang, Ye Guo*, Lirong Deng, Hongbin Sun*, and Wenchuan Wu, A Linear Branch Flow Model for Radial Distribution Networks and its Application to Reactive Power Optimization and Network Reconfiguration, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 12, Issue 3, Page 2027-2036, May 2021

    [9]Yiqi Zhao, Ye Guo*, Qinglai Guo*, Hongcai Zhang, and Hongbin Sun, Deployment of the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Considering Existing Competitors, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 11, Issue 5, Page 4236 – 4248, September 2020

    [10]Xin Qin, Ye Guo*, Xinwei Shen, Hongbin Sun*. Increasing Flexibility of Combined Heat and Power Systems through Optimal Dispatch with Variable Mass Flow. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Accepted, December 2021

    [11]Jiaotao Shi, Ye Guo*, Lang Tong, Wenchuan Wu, and Hongbin Sun, A Scenario-oriented Approach for Energy-reserve Joint Procurement And Pricing, 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 26-29 July 2021 (Best Paper Award)

    [12]Tianshu Yang, Ye Guo*, Lirong Deng, Han Shu, Hongbin Sun, Xinwei Shen, A Distribution System Loss Allocation Approach based on a Modified DistFlow Model, 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2-6 Aug. 2020 (Best Paper Award)

    [13]A. N. Madavan, S. Bose, Ye Guo and L. Tong, Risk-Sensitive Security-Constrained Economic Dispatch via Critical Region Exploration, 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 4-8 Aug. 2019 (Best Paper Award)

    [14]M. Ndrio, S. Bose, Y. Guo and L. Tong, Coordinated Transaction Scheduling in Multi-Area Power Systems with Strategic Participants, 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Atlanta, GA, USA, 4-8 Aug. 2019 (Best-of-the-Best Paper Award)


    [1]. Ye Guo, Lang Tong, Boming Zhang, Wenchuan Wu, Hongbin Sun, Hierarchical MultiArea State Estimation, Advances in Electric Power and Energy: Static State Estimation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., edited by Mohamed E. ElHawary, December 2020



  • Awards and Honors

    ·2018.5: PSERC IAB Meeting 2018, Best poster award

    ·2018.4: Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory 2018, Best Poster Award

    ·2013.7: Excellent Ph.D. graduates in Beijing

    ·2011.9: December 9th Anniversary Scholarship (Top Rank), Tsinghua University (一二.九奖学金)

    ·2011.9: Excellent Ph.D. students recognized by the Ministry of Education