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  • Biography

    Qinghua Song is an Associate Professor in Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, China. He received his Bachelor degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2013 and Ph.D degree from University Paris-Est in 2017. Then he worked as a postdoc in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore from 2017-2018 with Prof. Zhongxiang Shen. After that, he worked as a postdoc in CNRS-CRHEA in France from 2019-2021 with Patrice Genevet. His research mainly focuses on optical metasurfaces, meta-hologram, non-Hermitian optics, topological photonics, tunable metasurface, antenna design, etc. He has published several papers as first author in ScienceScience Advances (2), Nature Communications (3), Light: Science & Applications, Nano Letters, etc.


    2014-2017Ph.D. in Electronics, Optronics and Systems, Université Paris-Est.

    2009-2013B.S. in Vehicle Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

    Professional Experience

    2023.12-now, Associate Professor, Tsinghua SIGS, Tsinghua University.

    2021.08-2023.12, Assistant Professor, Tsinghua SIGS, Tsinghua University.

    2019.04-2021.07, Postdoctoral Fellow, CNRS-CRHEA, France.

    2017.08-2018.06, Postdoctoral Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

    Additional Positions

    Journal Guest EditorFrontiers in Photonics

    Journal ReviewerPNAS, Light: Science & Applications, Advanced Optical Materials, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Journal of Lightwave Technology, etc.


    We are seeking highly motivated PhD Students and Postdoctoral Fellows with the background of optics and photonics, electromagnetic field, condensed matter physics, topological photonics, nano-structures, etc. to work in our group. Please send your CV to this email if you are interested:

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  • Current Courses

    Master’s & Ph.D. Advising

  • Research Interests



    Non-Hermitian physics

    Topological photonics

    Tunable Metasurface

    Compact Antenna Design


    Research Output

  • Selected Publications

    Google scholar link:


    After joining SIGS (selected publication):

    [16] Yang, Z., Huang, P.-S., Lin, Y.-T., Qin, H., Chen, J., Han, S., Huang, W.*, Deng, Z.-L., Li, B., Zúñiga-Pérez, J., Genevet, P., Wu, P. C.*, Song, Q.*, Asymmetric Full-color Vectorial Meta-holograms Empowered by Pairs of Exceptional Points. Nano Letters, 2024.

    [15] Yang, Z., Huang, P.-S., Lin, Y.-T., Qin, H., Zúñiga-Pérez, J., Shi, Y., Wang, Z., Cheng, X., Tang, M.-C., Han, S., Kanté, B., Li, B., Wu, P. C. *, Genevet, P. *, Song, Q.*, Creating pairs of exceptional points for arbitrary polarization control: asymmetric vectorial wavefront modulation. Nature Communications, 15, 232, 2024.

    [14] Qin, H., Su, Z., Liu, M., Zeng, Y., Tang, M.C., Li, M., Shi, Y., Huang, W., Qiu, C.W.*, Song, Q.*, Arbitrarily polarized bound states in the continuum with twisted photonic crystal slabs. Light: Science & Applications, 12, 66, 2023.

    [13] Qin, H., Shi, Y. *, Su, Z., Wei, G., Wang, Z., Cheng, X., Liu, A.Q., Genevet, P. *, Song, Q.*, Exploiting extraordinary topological optical forces at bound states in the continuum. Science Advances, 8(49), eade7556, 2022.

    [12] Shi, Y., Song, Q.*, Toftul, I., Zhu, T., Yu, Y.*, Zhu, W.*, Tsai, D.P., Kivshar, Y*., Liu, A.Q.*, Optical manipulation with metamaterial structures. Applied Physics Reviews, 9, 031303, 2022.

    [11] Song, Q.*, Liu, X., Qiu, C.-W.*, Genevet, P.*, Vectorial metasurface holography. Applied Physics Reviews, 9, 011311, 2022.

    [10] Song, Q.*, Novel metasurface phase-modulation mechanism. Light: Science & Applications, 10, 184, 2021.


    Before joining SIGS (selected publication):

    [9] Song, Q., Odeh, M., Zúñiga-Pérez, J., Kanté, B., Genevet, P.*, Plasmonic topological metasurface by encircling an exceptional point. Science, 2021, 373(6559), 1133-1137.

    [8] Song, Q., Baroni, A., Wu, P. C., Chenot, S., Brandli, V., Vézian, S., Damilano, B., Mierry, P., Khadir, S., Ferrand, P., Genevet*, P., Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization with vectorial Fourier metasurfaces. Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 3631.

    [7] Song, Q., Khadir, S., Vézian, S., Damilano, B., Mierry, P. D., Chenot, S., Brandli, V., Genevet, P.*, Bandwidth-unlimited polarization-maintaining metasurfaces. Science Advances, 2021, 7(5), eabe1112.

    [6] Song, Q., Khadir, S., Vézian, S., Damilano, B., Mierry, P. D., Chenot, S., Brandli, V., Laberdesque, R., Wattellier, B., Genevet, P.*, Printing polarization and phases at the optical diffraction limit: near-and far-field optical encryption, Nanophotonics, 2020, 10(1), 697-704.

    [5] Song, Q., Baroni, A., Sawant, R., Ni, P., Brandli, V., Chenot, S., Vézian, S., Damilano, B., Mierry, P. D., Khadir, S., Ferrand, P., Genevet, P.*, Ptychography retrieval of fully polarized holograms from geometric-phase metasurfaces. Nature Communications, 2020, 11, 2651.

    [4] Song, Q., Wu, P. C., Zhu, W. M., Zhang, W., Shen, Z. X., Chong, P. H. J., Liang, Q. X., Tsai, D. P., Bourouina, T., Leprince-Wang, Y.*, Liu, A. Q.*, Split Archimedean spiral metasurface for controllable GHz asymmetric transmission, Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114(15), 151105.

    [3] Song, Q., Shen, Z.*, Lu, J., Log-periodic monopole array with uniform spacing and uniform height, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2018, 66(9), 4687-4694.

    [2] Song, Q., Zhang, W., Wu, P. C., Zhu, W. M., Shen, Z. X., Chong, P. H. J., Liang, Q. X., Yang, Z. C., Hao, Y. L., Cai, H., Zhou, H. F., Gu, Y., Lo, G. Q., Tsai, D. P., Bourouina, T., Leprince-Wang*, Y., Liu, A. Q.*, Water-resonator-based metasurface: an ultrabroadband and near-unity absorption, Advanced Optical Materials, 2017, 5(8), 1601103.

    [1] Song, Q., Zhu, W. M., Wu, P. C., Zhang, W., Wu, Q. Y. S., Teng, J. H., Shen, Z. X., Chong, P. H. J., Liang, Q. X., Yang, Z. C., Tsai, D. P., Bourouina, T., Leprince-Wang, Y., Liu, A. Q.*, Liquid-meta-based metasurface for terahertz absorption material: frequency-agile and wide-angle, APL Materials, 2017, 5(6), 066103.




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