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  • Biography

    Xiaomei Nie is an associate professor of design at Tsinghua SIGS and the teaching director of internet + innovation design. She got Bachelor's degree in Radio and Television Journalism and Master's degree in Communication from Xiamen University, and PhD of Design from Tsinghua University. She was also a visit scholar in the joint doctoral program in Columbia University (supported by CSC). She was once a brand director in a large-scale enterprise. Her academic interests include design for social innovation, cross media design, brand communication and theories of art and design. She recently focuses on interdisciplinary researches in design and information technology, such as digital media designs in cultural heritage protection, education, health, brand communication, and social innovation.


    She has published three books and dozens of academic papers. She has won the  Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Science of Shenzhen City ,  Teaching Achievement of Tsinghua University , and Online Teaching Innovation Case of Tsinghua University , etc. The course Design for social Innovation has been supported by the Tsinghua University Graduate Education and Teaching Reform Project and the Excellent Courses at Tsinghua SIGS. She has directed students to win over 70 awards in domestic and international innovation design competitions.


    Previously responsible for the brand operation and management of large-scale enterprise, Prof. Nie is familiar with the practice and research of corporate culture, brand strategy and communication, etc. The projects She has planned and designed have won more than ten national provincial and municipal awards, including the Top Ten Marketing Events in China and the China Media Innovation Marketing Award, etc.


    Prof. Nie is also an artist and art critic. She is engaged in artistic creations such as ceramics, oil painting, and digital media, and she has published art books and multiple art reviews. She is a member of the Guangdong Artists Association, the Guangdong Young Artists Association, and the Women Ceramic Artists Association of the China Ceramic Industry Association.


    Period 2010.9-2013.7 Tsinghua University   Art & Design Major, PhD

    Period 2011.9-2012.9 Columbia University  Joint Doctoral Program(CSC)

    Period 1999.9-2002.7 Xiamen University Communication Major, Master

    Period 1995.9-1999.7 Xiamen University Broadcasting, TV and Journalism Major, Bachelor

    Professional Experience

    Period 2019.12-   Tsinghua University, Design, Associate professor

    Period 2013.10-2019.9 Tsinghua University, Design, Assistant professor

    Additional Positions

    Consultant, CCTV  China national brand project

    Master ‘s Tutor, School of Journalism and communication, Xiamen University

    Invited expert, Public Opinion Studio, Shenzhen Propaganda Department

    Public Relations Consultant, Shenzhen City Administration


    Personal Webpage

    Download CV

  • Current Courses

    Design for Social Innovation (SIGS)

    Design Thinking and Method of Cross-media  (SIGS)

    Brand Image Communication and Management (SIGS)

    Design thinking and practice (SIGS)

    Art Principles (SIGS)

    Appreciation of Chinese and foreign art (SIGS)

    Narrative Expression (SIGS)

    Master’s & Ph.D. Advising

    Art and design theory, interactive media design, brand and communication

  • Research Interests

    Prof. Nie’s research fields include design for social innovation, cross media design, brand communication strategy and contemporary art & design theory, etc. Her recent researches are focusing on interdisciplinary research in art design and information technology to promote social innovation including heritage protection and inheritance, education, health, and brand communication, etc.

    Current Project:

    1Social Innovation + digital media:The projects in the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of New Generation Interactive Media Technology Innovation: Research on digital protection and Inheritance of cultural heritage, youth art education and STEAM education, media Interactive design for medical and health, etc.

    2. Brand Communication: Digital brand communication, brand innovation in a Sustainable society

    3Art history, intercultural communication of art, and feminine art.


    Research Output

  • Selected Publications

    [1] Bo Shui, Chufan Shi, and Xiaomei Nie*. 2023. Metro Re-illustrated: Incre-mental Generation of Stylized Paintings Using Neural Networks. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Posters (SIGGRAPH), August 06-10, 2023. ACM.

    [2] WenQian Liu, Xiaomei Nie *. Cultural Heritage Game Design Based on the Collective Memory Reconstruction Model. International Conference on Comprehensive Art and Cultural Communication, 2023.

    [3] Bo Shui, Hanyu Guo, Haoyang Li, Chufan Shi, Xiaomei Nie*. Community Tour: An Expandable Knowledge Exploration System for Urban Migrant Children. The 22nd annual ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference, 2023.

    [4] Yalan Luo, Weiyue Lin, Yuhan Liu, Hanyu Guo, Xiang Qian *, Xiaomei Nie *.Digital Cultural Heritage Interpretation for Blind and Low Vision People has been accepted for presentation. International Conference on Human- Computer Interaction of International Federation for Information Processing(INTERACT 2023),2023.

    [5] Yalan Luo,Yuchen Dong,Xiaomei Nie*,Junchi Zhou,Dingjun Wu,Zihan Jiang,Xi Chen. Auditory and Haptic Interaction Design of Accessible Digital Museum Based onthe Blind Information Processing Theory. 2022 6th International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE 2022).

    [6] Yuyang Zhang, Wanting Li, Yalan Luo, Xiaomei Nie*.Serious Game Design of Cultural Heritage Education based on the Experiential Learning Cycle Model,2021 International Conference on Information Science and Education (ICISE-IE), 2021.

    [7] Nan Chao, Shengge Yang, Yuxian Qin, Zemin Song, Zhaofan Su, Xiaomei Nie*.AR-Poetry: Enhancing Children's Motivation in Learning Classical Chinese Poetry via Interactive Augmented Reality.The Ninth International Symposium of Chinese CHI (ChCHI 2021).

    [8] Shufang Tan, Yui Lo, Yuhan Dong, Chaoying Li, Xiaomei Nie*. Eye-Tracking Aided VR System for Amblyopic Pediatric Treatment Difficulty Adjustment. International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems (ICVRIS 2020), 2020. 07.

    [9] 张羽洋, 李万葶, 罗雅兰, 聂晓梅*. 基于体验式学习模型的文化遗产教育游戏设计. 现代教育技术2022, 32(7):9.

    [10] 聂晓梅.圣境、神境与诗境:欧洲经卷插图、中西亚细密画与中国画的传播与对比. 美术,2020 (08):129-135.

    [11] 聂晓梅. 生成中的中国当代设计智慧——第12届全国美展设计艺术作品探析. 美术,2015 (02)13-16.

    [12] 聂晓梅. 从美国三大年展看美国当代艺术的多元对话. 美术,2013(04): 130-135.

    [13] 聂晓梅. 崛起的映射:美国1860-1920广告产业发展综述.现代广告. 2019(春季刊):04-08.

    [14] 聂晓梅. 不同生命周期的品牌形象设计策略. 包装工程,2015(20):12-16.

    [15] 聂晓梅. 美国百年品牌传承中的符号体系研究. 现代广告(学术刊),2015(12):39-42.

    [16] 黄维,聂晓梅. 营销视野下的品牌形象识别理论发展轨迹. 装饰,2012年07):71-72.


    Life and growth in nature. Guangzhou:  Lingnan Art Publishing House, 2019.

    Brand Empire: An Interdisciplinary Study on the Evolution of American Thoughts of Brand Image. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2015.

    Blooming in silence: Poem, essay and painting. Guangzhou: Huacheng Publishing House, 2008.



  • Awards and Honors