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  • 研究领域
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          长期从事数字化生产、智慧物流、供应链管理等方面的研究,主要的工作是设计优化理论与数据分析技术(Optimization and Data Analytics)相结合的优化算法,处理集装箱码头运作优化、生产计划与调度、物流网络设计和优化等领域的复杂优化决策问题,提高系统运作效率。


          承担包括4项国家自然科学基金在内的十余项国家、地方、企事业单位科研项目;研究成果发表在Transportation ScienceTransportation Research Part B: Methodological, INFORMS Journal on ComputingIISE TransactionsEuropean Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics等国际知名期刊上;部分科研成果通过产学研合作和科技成果转化等方式,在华为技术有限公司、华为海思半导体有限公司、阿里巴巴、恒力集团、盐田港、天津港等多家企业得到应用,为企业带来实实在在的效益。


          担任工业工程学科知名SCI期刊Computers & Industrial Engineering领域主编;参与INFORMS Conference on Service Science等多个国际会议的组织工作。















     Computers & Industrial Engineering,领域主编(Area Editor

     INFORMS Conference on Service Science,项目主席(Program Chair


  • 教学课程




     《Analysis and Optimization on Logistics Systems》


  • 研究领域







    • 纵向科研项目

    [1]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,《基于数据驱动的集装箱甩挂运输问题研究》,主持,在研

    [2]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,《基于动态决策和数据挖掘的集装箱翻倒问题研究》,主持,已结题

    [3]   国家自然科学基金面上项目,《考虑不确定性的港口资源调度问题研究》,主持,已结题

    [4]   国家自然科学基金青年项目,《考虑集装箱翻倒的场地位置分配研究》,主持,已结题

    [5]   国家重点研发计划,《基于HCPS的智能工厂与无人生产线自组织重构体系与关键技术》,主持(子课题),已结题

    [6]   广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,《集装箱码头运作优化研究》,主持,在研

    [7]   深圳市稳定支持项目(重点项目),《可重构柔性装配中心关键技术研究》,共同主持,在研

    [8]   深圳市基础研究项目(自由探索),《半导体智能生产管理决策支持系统关键技术研究》,主持,已结题

    [9]   深圳市基础研究项目(学科布局),《物流末端配送机器人关键技术研究》,共同主持,已结题



    [1] 苏州恒力智能科技有限公司,《薄膜下料与生产排程优化项目》,主持,在研

    [2] 阿里云计算有限公司,《基于缓冲区的汽车焊装-涂装-总装多车间联合调度排序问题研究》,主持,在研

    [3]   华为技术有限公司,《芯片生产排程调度算法研发》,主持,已结题

    [4]   华为海思半导体有限公司,《仓储机器人协调控制算法研发》,主持,已结题

    [5]   华为海思半导体有限公司,《仓库操作看板优化调度系统研发》,主持,已结题

    [6]   华为海思半导体有限公司,《高级生产计划排程系统(APS)研发》,主持,已结题

    [7]   盐田港国际资讯有限公司,《盐田区临港物流能力指数构建》,主持,已结题

    [8]   深圳市盐田区经济促进局,《盐田区港口物流业发展第十三个五年规划》,主持,已结题

    [9] 天津五洲国际集装箱码头有限公司,《集装箱堆场场地计划决策支持系统研发》,主要完成人,已结题

  • 代表性论文

    (注:* 代表通讯作者; # 代表指导的学生)

    [55] Wang Naiyu#, Meng Qiang, and Zhang Canrong*. A branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the local container drayage problem with controllable vehicle interference. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2023, forthcoming.

    [54] Wang Chong#, Miao Lixin, Zhang Canrong*, Wu Tao, and Liang Zhe. Robust Optimization for the Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Problem. Naval Research Logistics, 2023, forthcoming.

    [53] Hao Xinye#, Liu Changchun, Liu Maoqi, Zhang Canrong, and Zheng Li*. Solving  a Real-world Large-scale Cutting Stock Problem: A Clustering-assignment-based Model. IISE Transactions, November 2023, 55(11): 1160-1173.

    [52] Zhang Canrong*, Wang Qi, and Yuan Guoping. Novel models and algorithms for location assignment for outbound containers in container terminals. European Journal of Operational Research, July 2023, 308(2): 722-737.

    [51] Xia Yang#, Zeng Wenjia, Zhang Canrong*, and Yang Hai.  A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with load-dependent drones. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, May 2023, 171: 80-110.

    [50] Wu Tao, Zhang Canrong*, Chen Weiwei, Liang Zhe, and Zhang Xiaoning. Unsupervised Learning-driven Matheuristic for Production-distribution Problems. Transportation Science, November-December 2022, 56(6): 1677-1702.

    [49] Wang Mengtong#, Zhang Canrong*, Bell Michael, and Miao Lixin. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Location-Routing Problems with Pick-Up Stations in the Last-Mile Distribution System, European Journal of Operational Research, December 2022, 303(3): 1258-1276.

    [48] Hao Xinye#, Zheng Li, Li Na, and Zhang Canrong*. The integrated bin packing and lot-sizing problem considering the configuration-dependent bin packing process. European Journal of Operational Research, December 2022, 303(2): 581-592.

    [47] Wu Tao, Huang Le, Liang Zhe, Zhang Xiaoning, and Zhang Canrong. A Supervised Learning-Driven Heuristic for Solving the Facility Location and Production Planning Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, September 2022, 301(2): 785-796.

    [46] Duan Hongda#, Miao Lixin, and Zhang Canrong*. A Semi-supervised Deep Learning Approach for Vessel Trajectory Classification Based on AIS Data, Ocean and Coastal Management, March 2022, 218: 106015.

    [45] Wang Mengtong#, Miao Lixin, and Zhang Canrong*. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for a Green Location Routing Problem with Multi-Type Charging Infrastructure, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, December 2021, 156: 1-30.

    [44] Li Xiaowen#, Yang Xiuqing, Zhang Canrong, and Qi Mingyao*. A simulation study on the robotic mobile fulfillment system in high-density storage warehouses, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, November 2021, 112:1-17.

    [43] Duan Guofang, Zhang Canrong, Gonzalez Priscila, and Qi Mingyao*. Performance evaluation for Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems with time-varying arrivals. Computers & Industrial Engineering, August 2021, 158: 1-22.

    [42] Zhang Canrong, Zhang Dandan, and Wu Tao* Data-driven Branching and Selection for Lot-sizing and Scheduling Problems with Sequence-dependent Setups and Setup Carryover. Computers & Operations Research, August 2021, 132: 1-16.

    [41] Yu Lina, Zhang Canrong, Jiang Jingyan, Yang Huasheng*, and Shang Huayan. Reinforcement learning approach for resource allocation in humanitarian logistics. Expert Systems with Applications, July 2021, 173: 1-14.

    [40] Li Na, Li Xiaorui, Zhang Canrong, and Kong Nan. Integrated Optimization of Appointment Allocation and Access Prioritization in Patient-Centred Outpatient Scheduling. Computers & Industrial Engineering, April 2021, 154: 1-10.

    [39] Wu Tao, Shi Zhongshun, and Zhang Canrong*. The hub location problem with market selection. Computers & Operations Research, March 2021, 127: 1-13.

    [38] You Jintao#, Zhang Canrong, Xue Zhaojie, Miao Lixin, and Ye Bin. A bi-objective model for robust local container drayage problem. RAIRO - Operations Research, March 2021, 55: 625-646.

    [37] Wu Tao, Shi Zhongshun, Liang Zhe, Zhang Xiaoning, and Zhang Canrong*. Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for the Facility Location and Production Planning Problem. Computers & Operations Research, December 2020, 124: 1-19.

    [36] Zhang Canrong, Guan Hao, Yuan Yifei, Chen Weiwei, and Wu Tao. Machine learning-driven algorithms for the container relocation problem. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, September 2020, 139: 102-131.

    [35] Wei Mingyuan#, Guan Hao, Liu Yunhan, Gao Benhe, and Zhang Canrong*. Production, Replenishment and Inventory Policies for Perishable Products in a Two-echelon Distribution Network. Sustainability, June 2020, 12(11): 1-26.

    [34] You Jintao#, Miao Lixin, Zhang Canrong*, and Xue Zhaojie. A generic model for the local container drayage problem using the emerging truck platooning operation mode. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, March 2020, 113: 181-209.

    [33] Xie Fanrui#, Wu Tao, and Zhang Canrong*. A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment Problem. Transportation Science, September-October 2019, 53(5): 1427-1454.

    [32] Wu Tao, Xiao Fan, Zhang Canrong, Zhang Defu, and Liang Zhe. Regression and Extrapolation Guided Optimization for Production-Distribution with Ship-Buy-Exchange Options. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, September 2019, 129: 15-37.

    [31] Wei Mingyuan#, Qi Mingyao, Wu Tao, and Zhang Canrong*. Distance and Matching-Induced Search Algorithm for the Multi-level Lot-Sizing Problem with Substitutable Bill of materials. European Journal of Operational Research, September 2019, 277(2): 521-541.

    [30] Yu Lina#, Yang Huasheng, Miao Lixin, and Zhang Canrong*. Rollout Algorithms for Resource Allocation in Humanitarian Logistics. IISE Transactions, August 2019, 51(8):887-909.

    [29] Wang Zujian#, Qi Mingyao, Cheng Chun, and Zhang Canrong. A hybrid algorithm for large-scale service network design considering a heterogeneous fleet. European Journal of Operational Research, July 2019, 276(2): 521-541.

    [28] Liu Changchun#, Xiang Xi, Zhang Canrong, Wang Qiang, and Zheng Li.  A column generation based distributed scheduling algorithm for multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, November 2018, 125: 258-278.

    [27] Qi Mingyao, Li Xiaowen, Yan Xuejun, and Zhang Canrong*. On the evaluation of AGVS-based warehouse operation performance. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, September 2018, 87: 379-394.

    [26] Wu Tao, Xiao Fan, Zhang Canrong, He Yan, and Liang Zhe. The green capacitated multi-item lot sizing problem with parallel machines. Computers & Operations Research, October 2018, 98: 149-164.

    [25] Wu Tao, Liang Zhe, and Zhang Canrong. Analytics Branching and Selection for the Capacitated Multi-Item Lot Sizing Problem with Non-Identical Machines. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Spring 2018, 30(2): 236-258.

    [24] Zhang Canrong, Wu Tao, Qi Mingyao, and Miao Lixin. Simultaneous Allocation of Berths and Quay Cranes under Discrete Berth Situation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, June 2018, 35(3): 1-28.

    [23] Yu Lina#, Zhang Canrong, Yang Huasheng, and Miao Lixin. Novel Methods for Resource Allocation in Humanitarian Logistics Considering Human Suffering. Computers & Industrial Engineering, May 2018, 119: 1-20.

    [22] Zhang Canrong, Xie Fanrui, Huang Kun, Wu Tao, and Liang Zhe. MIP Models and a Hybrid Method for the Capacitated Air-cargo Network Planning and Scheduling Problems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, July 2017, 103: 158-173.

    [21] Yang Huasheng#, Low Vincent, Zhang Canrong*, Zheng Li, and Miao Lixin. Behavior perception-based disruption models for the parallel machine capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem. International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 55(11): 3058-3072.

    [20] Liu Changchun#, Zhang Canrong, and Zheng Li. A Bi-objective Model for Robust Yard Allocation Scheduling for Outbound Containers. Engineering Optimization, 2017, 49(1): 113-135.

    [19] Liu Changchun#, Xiang Xi, Zhang Canrong, and Zheng Li. A Decision Model for Berth Allocation Under Uncertainty Considering Service Level Using an Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, December 2016, 33(6): 1-28.

    [18] Liu Changchun#, Zheng Li, and Zhang Canrong*. Behavior perception-based disruption models for berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems. Computers & Industrial Engineering, July 2016, 97: 258-275.

    [17] He Yan, Wu Tao, Zhang Canrong, and Liang Zhe. An improved MIP heuristic for the intermodal hub location problem. Omega - International Journal of Management Science, December 2015, 57, Part B: 203-211.

    [16] Liang Zhe, He Yan, Wu Tao, and Zhang Canrong*. An informative column generation and decomposition method for a product on planning and facility location problem. International Journal of Production Economics, December 2015, 170, Part A: 88-96.

    [15] Xiao Jing#, Yang Huasheng, Zhang Canrong, Zheng Li, and Gupta Jatinder N. D. A Hybrid Lagrangian-Simulated Annealing-based heuristic for the parallel-machine capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times. Computers & Operations Research, November 2015, 63:72-82.

    [14] Xue Zhaojie#, Lin Wei-Hua, Miao Lixin, and Zhang Canrong. Local container drayage problem with tractor and trailer operating in separable mode. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, September 2015, 27(2-3): 431-450.

    [13] Xue Zhaojie#, Zhang Canrong, Yang Peng, and Miao Lixin. A Combinatorial Benders' Cuts Algorithm for the Local Container Drayage Problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015.

    [12] Zhang Canrong, Wu Tao, Zhong Ming, Zheng Li, and Miao Lixin. Location Assignment for Outbound Containers with Adjusted Weight Proportion. Computers & Operations Research, December 2014, 52, Part A: 84-93.

    [11] Zhang Canrong, Wu Tao, Kim Kap Hwan, and Miao Lixin. Conservative Allocation Models for Outbound Containers in Container Terminals. European Journal of Operational Research, October 2014, 238(1): 155-165.

    [10] Xue Zhaojie#, Zhang Canrong, Lin Wei-Hua, Miao Lixin, and Yang Peng. A tabu search heuristic for the local container drayage problem under a new operation mode. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, February 2014, 62: 136-150.

    [9] Lin Jiahong#, Gao Benhe, and Zhang Canrong. Simulation-based investment planning for Humen Port. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, January 2014, 40: 161-175.

    [8] Xiao Jing#, Zhang Canrong, Zheng Li, and Gupta Jatinder N. D. MIP-based fix-and-optimize algorithms for the parallel machine capacitated lot-sizing and scheduling problem. International Journal of Production Research, August 2013, 51(16): 5011-5028.

    [7] Wu Tao, Zhang Canrong, Zhe Liang, and Leung Stephen C. H. A Lagrangian Relaxation-based Heuristic and Models Evaluation for Multi-level Lot Sizing Problems with Backorders. Computers & Operations Research, July 2013, 40(7): 1852-1863.

    [6]Zhang Canrong, Wu Tao, Zheng Li, and Miao Lixin. A Lagrangian Relaxation-based Algorithm for the Allocation of Yard Cranes for Yard Activities with Different Priorities. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, June 2013, 22(2): 227-252.

    [5] Xue Zhaojie#, Zhang Canrong, Miao Lixin, and Lin Wei-Hua. An Ant Colony Algorithm for Yard Truck Scheduling and Yard Location Assignment Problems with Precedence Constraints. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, March 2013, 22(1): 21-37.

    [4] Zhang Canrong* and Chen Weiwei. A note on ‘A new dynamic programming formulation of (n×m) flowshop sequencing problems with due dates’. International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 50(16): 4631-4634.

    [3] Zhang Canrong*, Zhang Zhihai, Zheng Li, and Miao Lixin. A decision support system for the allocation of yard cranes and blocks in container terminals. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, December 2011, 28(6): 803-829.

    [2] Zhang Canrong, Chen Weiwei, Shi Leyuan, and Zheng Li. A note on deriving decision rules to locate export containers in container yards. European Journal of Operational Research, September 2010, 205(2): 483-485.

    [1] Zhang Canrong, Zheng Li, Zhang Zhihai, Shi Leyuan, and Armstrong Aaron. The allocation of berths and quay cranes by using a sub-gradient optimization technique. Computers & Industrial Engineering, February 2010, 58(1): 40-50.




  • 荣誉奖项


    [1]   华为“合作创新奖”(2023年)

    [2]   广东省杰青(2020年)

    [3]   深圳市地方级领军人才(2017年)

    [4]   深圳市海外孔雀计划人才(2014年)

    [5]   中日友好NSK机械工学优秀论文奖(2010年)

    [6]   IEEE自动化与物流国际会议最优论文(2007年)



    [1] 深圳市优秀教师(2023年)


    [3] 清华大学课程思政示范教师(2023年)


    [5] 清华大学第十八届良师益友提名(2022年)


    [7]   清华大学年度教学优秀奖(2018年)

    [8]   清华大学年度教学优秀奖(2017年首届)


    [10]  清华大学深圳研究生院良师益友2013年首届)